Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Genting Highland hahahaaha


hehe this story is about my experience in Genting Highland aahhh know what it was very exciting, i and my cousins were very happy haha but something i dont like in genting is why there are so many couples there.heehh i dont feel comfart cause they're hugging and just touch2 like that hekhhkhh aren't they fell guilty you know, that's a sin right indians ,chinese and especially MALAYS all the same aren't they afraid of god can them be sure that there;s a time to repent and will live in a long time why they think like that so for those people that haven't repent please repent before the death comes to you. here a story at the genting when i want to ride rolicoster i think my cousin are standing beside me we are queing for the game and infront of us is a couple are touching each other more like hugging then i just simply free talk with my cousin like this' zaynab im your boyfriend do you want to hug me hehe' than the man just look into my eyes like he wants to eat me it was so freaky hehe actually im not doing it in purpose but i hope they will realize their mistakes and repent amin.,....

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How's your english, getting better?

assalamualikum warah matullahiwabarakatuh

hey, i have a problem with my english, sometimes i'm very sad and very envy with those that can speak english well. actually i doesn't like english from standard 1. then my english papers result fall down.and even in my UPSR i got english B. I'm very sad that time but what can i do it's a fate and it's my fault my mother is very2 good in english, i feel so sad cause i can't be like her. . starting last year i've started to love english so now i'm trying to speak english often and write this blog in english. but sometimes when i read an english novel i feel tension because most of the word i don't understand the meaning and have to search it in the dictionary even sometimes i will cry because i feel that i'm so weak in english. I've try to improve myself and speak in english more often but i've no confident with myself because i'm afraid people will laugh at me. so that's all for today bye!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010


hye today i wanna talk about period. many people are confuse about period. Islam is perfect and
Islam does not worsen our followers.in al-quran suratunnisa' ayat 43 explains that the menstrual cant enter the mosque. for more info visit http://www.iluvislam.com/v1/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=46&thread_id=3322


Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hye guys its ramadhan, let us change ourselves and make a new achievement and new azam. do more ibadah and good things, cause in this month Allah will double your reward and if you dont get it you will be the losers.And in this month please dont make any sins cause we dont now the calculation of our sins it might be double or ...... wallahua'lam.so let us prepare ourselves before ramadhan and may this ramadhan is better than ramadhan before amin............... dont miss the reward and good things such as malam lailatul qadar in ramadhan

Friday, July 2, 2010

a cat name baby

hye, everyone
a few days ago,when i reached my house, i found a very very cute cat out of my house
it hide between 2 woods to get shelter cause it raining! i am so happy cause i really love cat
but my family have many problem with cats. my mother doesn't like cats,my sister phobia with cats my brother has asma, and me myself has allergic with cats. but al-hamdulillah i can play with cats and i just have to wash my hands every time i touch it.so my mom does not allow it to enter
the house,so everyday it will meow2 to get food and to call people when it lonely from the outside of the house, i often go out to play and accompany the cat, i feed it and take care of it, until now there's no one wants to claim it. i am very pity for the cat, now when i typing this post the cat is sleeping beside me in the house(without my mother's knowing)hehe!

Monday, May 24, 2010


I'VE Found my watch,aaalhamdulillah I'm so relieve.ALLAH always help me
when i in trouble or in a good condition,but i myself always make sins
and obey ALLAH'S rules, i feel so bad , i wanna change. but..... CAN I!
I Always talk, a lot and being an annoying person,rasulullah said that
silence is much better than talk, ooooooohhhhh, how i wish i can be silence for a minute ,

Saturday, May 15, 2010


AAAAAA,.. I cant find my watch! i cant live without my watch

i wear it every day,and everywhere`(even in my house)i only open it when i want to sleep and when i want to pray, i feel sad cause that is my birthday present from my
mother last year! everything that i have i will lost it, i try to find it everywhere
but i cant find it , i haven't tell my mother yet cause I'm afraid! when i go to school i wear Sara's watch, i'm sorry sarah cause i always be a burden to you!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Last Thursday, my mother pick me up from the school, in our journey back home we stop at several places til we met a boy at the entrance of ukay perdana. my mom gave him a lift, i dont know him but i feel weird when my mother talked to him like my mother know him, then my mother asked him"how was your father, is he well, what is your father doing now? the the boy answered " he's fine now he's working at a restaurant,and his mother make and sell kueh.then my mother asked him ...... and then he said that everyday he doesn't has pocket money for school, and his friends always treat him during recess, (wow what a wonderful friends ) and then bla3 we have arrived, then i asked my brother who is he? then my brother said, his name is Rafiuddin his mother was pure Indians and his father is Indian but born in Malaysia,
his mother cant speak malay but he can, everyday he walk to the bust stop to go and go back home from school,and he start walking to school from 7 years old now he is 13,he try and work hard to go to school, but what about us we can easily go to school but we are so ungrateful cause we go to school just want to play and sometimes searching for a girlfriend, we have to change!!! we go to school just for Allah and to study, we can play but at the same time we learn and take some chance to know Allah better and improve your akhlaq and iman

Friday, March 26, 2010



Thursday, March 18, 2010


Please be grateful to yourself, remember we don't know when we gonna die, only Allah knows that cause he creates us and we will go back to him at the end of the day.May Allah bless this family and may Allah give them hidayah.


Etika pergaulan dan batas pergaulan di antara lelaki dan wanita menurut Islam :
1. Menundukkan pandangan: ALLAH memerintahkan kaum lelaki untuk menundukkan pandangannya, sebagaimana firman-NYA; Katakanlah kepada laki-laki yang beriman: Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya. (An-Nuur: 30)

Sebagaimana hal ini juga diperintahkan kepada kaum wanita beriman, ALLAH berfirman; Dan katakanlah kepada wanita yang beriman: Hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya. (An-Nuur: 31)

2. Menutup Aurat; ALLAH berfirman dan jangan lah mereka mennampakkan perhiasannya, kecuali yang biasa nampak daripadanya. Dan hendaklah mereka melabuhkan kain tudung ke dadanya. (An-Nuur: 31) Juga Firman-NYA; Hai nabi, katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu dan isteri-isteri orang mukmin: Hendaklah mereka melabuhkan jilbabnya ke seluruh tubuh mereka.

Yang demikian itu supaya mereka lebih mudah dikenali, kerana itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan ALLAH adalah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. (An-Nuur: 59).

Perintah menutup aurat juga berlaku bagi semua jenis. Dari Abu Daud Said al-Khudri .a. berkata: Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Janganlah seseorang lelaki memandang aurat lelaki, begitu juga dengan wanita jangan melihat aurat wanita.

3. Adanya pembatas antara lelaki dengan wanita; Kalau ada sebuah keperluan terhadap kaum yang berbeza jenis, harus disampaikan dari balik tabir pembatas. Sebagaimana firman-NYA; Dan apabila kalian meminta sesuatu kepada mereka (para wanita) maka mintalah dari balik hijab. (Al-Ahzaab: 53)

4. Tidak berdua-duaan Di Antara Lelaki Dan Perempuan; Dari Ibnu Abbas .a. berkata: Saya mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Janganlah seorang lelaki berdua-duaan (khalwat) dengan wanita kecuali bersama mahramnya. (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim)

Dari Jabir bin Samurah berkata; Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Janganlah salah seorang dari kalian berdua-duan dengan seorang wanita, kerana syaitan akan menjadi ketiganya. (Hadis Riwayat Ahmad & Tirmidzi dengan sanad yang sahih)

5. Tidak Melunakkan Ucapan (Percakapan): Seorang wanita dilarang melunakkan ucapannya ketika berbicara selain kepada suaminya. Firman ALLAH SWT; Hai isteri-isteri Nabi, kamu sekalian tidaklah seperti wanita yang lain, jika kamu bertakwa. Maka janganlah kamu tunduk dalam berbicara (berkata-kata yang menggoda) sehingga berkeinginan orang yang ada penyakit di dalam hatinya tetapi ucapkanlah perkataan-perkataan yang baik. (Al-Ahzaab: 32)

Berkata Imam Ibnu Kathir; Ini adalah beberapa etika yang diperintahkan oleh ALLAH kepada para isteri Rasulullah SAW serta kepada para wanita mukminah lainnya, iaitu hendaklah dia kalau berbicara dengan orang lain tanpa suara merdu, dalam pengertian janganlah seorang wanita berbicara dengan orang lain sebagaimana dia berbicara dengan suaminya. (Tafsir Ibnu Kathir 3/350)

6. Tidak Menyentuh Kaum Berlawanan Jenis; Dari Maqil bin Yasar .a. berkata; Seandainya kepala seseorang ditusuk dengan jarum besi itu masih lebih baik daripada menyentuh kaum wanita yang tidak halal baginnya. (Hadis Hasan Riwayat Thabrani dalam Mujam Kabir) Berkata Syaikh al-Abani Rahimahullah; Dalam hadis ini terdapat ancaman keras terhadap orang-orang yang menyentuh wanita yang tidak halal baginya. (Ash-Shohihah 1/44 Rasulullah SAW tidak pernah menyentuh wanita meskipun dalam saat-saat penting seperti membaiat dan lain-lainnya. Dari Aishah berkata; Demi ALLAH, tangan Rasulullah tidak pernah menyentuh tangan wanita sama sekali meskipun saat membaiat. (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari)

Inilah sebahagian etika pergaulan lelaki dan wanita selain mahram, yang mana apabila seseorang melanggar semuanya atau sebahagiannya saja akan menjadi dosa zina baginya, sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah SAW; Dari Abu Hurairah .a. dari Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Sesungguhnya ALLAH menetapkan untuk anak adam bahagiannya dari zina, yang pasti akan mengenainya. Zina mata dengan memandang, zina lisan dengan berbicara, sedangkan jiwa berkeinginan serta berangan-angan, lalu farji yang akan membenarkan atau mendustakan semuanya. (Hadis Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim & Abu Daud)

Padahal ALLAH SWT telah melarang perbuatan zina dan segala sesuatu yang boleh mendekati kepada perbuatan zina. Sebagaimana Firman-NYA; Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan jalan yang buruk. (al-Isra: 32)

Difailkan dalam: TAZKIRAH | Tagged: aurat, batas pergaulan dalam islam

day 3

we packed our things and ready to go home, but before that we watched a video about our memories in that program, then take some pictures with the senior and friends. then we gwent home with happily

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

day 2

Day2 we got up early to qiyamullail, we were so sleepy when we recite the ma'thurat cause we sleep late.then, at the morning ,we have JPA program and heard some stories from a sister then, we played explorace game.it was so exciting when we worked as a team work.and then at night , we have a sad program,the seniors were prepared a nice video and nice acting, they told us about our mother and father that work hard, but when they got home we make our bad behavior, our mother that has pregnant us that has bring us to this world, but we always hurt their feelings and make them feel sad, when they are dead then the time is too late for us to repent can you imagine how your mather take care of you since you were in her body, be repent before its too late!


last week i go to the tamrin at my school, it was so exciting
from the first day, at night we listened to our teacher's tazkirah
and than the teacher showed us a video about a football player that died
when he is playing, he just walk walk backward4 and then he fell down and die, it was so scary because all this time we always happy and laugh with our friends(like me).
we do not realize that Allah can take our soul at anywhere or any time, although we are still young, that cannot change our destiny if Allah said that we have to die that day.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

common my brothers and sisters, open your eyes before its too late
you know that Allah knows what ever you do, please repent before its too late
like rasulullah said that (the most smartest person, is the person that always remember dead..............) Always be happy and remember Allah , what ever you do or what ever condition you are, remember that Allah knows everything and Allah will always be with you
when you in trouble, the first thing you have to do is DOA,work hard to solve the problem and tawakkal to Allah

Friday, February 26, 2010

common my brothers and sisters, open your eyes before its too late
you know that Allah knows what ever you do, please repent before its too late
like rasulullah said that (the most smartest person, is the person that always remember dead..............) Always be happy and remember Allah , what ever you do or what ever condition you are, remember that Allah knows everything and Allah will always be with you
when you in trouble, the first thing you have to do is DOA,work hard to solve the problem and tawakkal to Allah

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

then one day, before we went to a place that i not remember(ha ha. before we arrived, we were lost, we go round and round, but cant find the place.and then, the tyers explosive. and accidentally we are at the car shop, then we mat a person that was quite mencurigekn. he told us that he wanted to brought us to the place, that we wanted to go , and suddenly he wore the songkok. we began to fill uncomfortable and frightened. he show my father that he has rm Malaysia and he said he was come to Malaysia too AND THANK GOD ONE MAN THAT HIS TYERS BROKEN TOo, WHISPERED TO MY FATHER THAT WAS ' DONT BELIEVE HIM'. my mother ask us to recite the DOA to protected ourselves from danger, and then, i remember, after all this while, we always happy and not often remember Allah. when we are in danger, we remember Allah, HOW awful is that. an then alhamdulillah Allah saved us, my father did not allow it. but he kept calling my father. luckily my father dont pick it up. and my sister and i always look at the back , if they are following us.but no, then when we arrived the villa, we felt release and happy and so thankful.THE MORAL OF THE STORY ALWAYS BEING CAREFUL AND REMEMBER